Terms & Conditions
Sessions take place once a week during the normal academic term. The term dates and gig dates for the following term will be made known in writing by, or at the end of, the previous term. The Band Project term is ten sessions OR the equivalent number of hours.
If the hours are not reached in a term then one of the following options will happen:
- The monthly subscription will be adjusted in line with the number of hours a band will receive during the term.
- Extra sessions will be scheduled the following term.
- The monthly subscription for the new term will be adjusted to take into account the hours owed.
If a student or band are not carrying on the following term only then will a refund will be issued.
If a session is cancelled or re-scheduled with less than three days notice a charge of £45 will be made to cover the tutor’s loss of work that week and the cancellation charge incurred by The Band Project form the venue.
If students miss sessions during the term The Band Project will not adjust the price to reflect that nor refund missed sessions. This includes for illness. If your child, or children, are going to miss a session we need a minimum forty-eight hours notice where possible to allow tutors to adjust their session plan and for it not to impact the group.
Parents can request to move a session. The Band Project must have a minimum of seven days notice and there must be an agreed replacement date by all parents of the band. If the change doesn’t work for ALL members of the band, the regular tutor or another member of The Band Project team isn’t available, then we cannot move a session.
The Band Project reserves the right to make changes to the timetable with reasonable notice, a minimum of seven days.
The Band Project’s term fees are paid via subscription in three monthly instalments. The links to set up your subscription will be sent to parents once a child is confirmed to be joining a course. If a parent does not want to sue the subscription the other option is to pay for the term in full before the start of their child’s first session. However it is our preference that parents use the subscription. Our timetable for payments relating to each term is below:
- Winter Term:
August, September, October
- Spring Term:
December, January, February
- Summer Term:
April, May, June
The subscription begins the 1st of the month following a parent’s registration and fees are taken thereafter on the 1st. This will mean potentially that your timetable of payments will not follow the above initially - we will confirm your timetable of payments via e-mail once your subscription is set up.
The terms fees cover an agreed number of sessions - usually ten for a full term but could be less subject to when a child starts sessions. The subscription will be adjusted to reflect the number of sessions for the term and will change to the full charge for the following term.
Once a subscription is set up students are automatically booked onto the consecutive term unless notice is received before the Friday of the eighth week of the term. In that case the contract will expire on the last day of the current term, normally the end of term gig.
If notice is given after the eighth session then fifty percent of the terms fees will be due. However, if notice is given fourteen days or less before the start of the new term one hundred percent of the term’s fees are due.
Whether a student is attending a course for the first time or re-enrolling, the contract can be terminated no later than five days after the second session. On receipt of cancellation the standing order will be cancelled for months two and three. Month one is not refundable. Cancellation thereafter will result in fees for the full term still to be paid to The Band Project. The standing order will be cancelled at the end of term after receipt of the final payment.
Tickets to the end of term gigs are currently charged at £11 for Adults, £8 for U18’s and free for U5’s. The Band Project reserves the right to increase ticket prices if required. Links to book tickets will be sent to parents.
The Band Project aims to end each term with a gig. If we are unable to offer a gig The Band Project is in no way in breach of its contract with parents. Terms fees relate exclusively to an agreed number of weekly rehearsals and in no way are linked to any end of term gigs. Gigs are funded separately through the sale of tickets.
If a gig is cancelled once booked then all bands will carry over their terms set to the next show and will either perform both terms sets in full or will choose a set including songs from both terms.
If a band can’t take part in the end of term gig it does not cancel the terms and conditions with regards notice periods, subscription payments and attending weekly sessions. The band would carry over their set to the following term to either perform in full or a set using songs from both terms.
The Band Project reserves the right to exclude students from sessions at its discretion. We have a zero tolerance policy towards bullying or intolerance of any kind or if a student’s behaviour is deemed to be disruptive for the whole group. If a student is asked to leave The Band Project under any of these circumstances then no refund is available and the full three payments for the term will be taken after which the subscription will be cancelled.
The Band Project will from time to time take photographs and film footage of students during sessions and at the end of term gig for use in The Band Project’s marketing, social media and publicity material. If you do not wish for your child to be photographed/filmed please ensure that you include that information on the application form and that it is conveyed via e-mail to The Band Project.
If you take any photos or video at the end of sessions or during the end of term gigs, please check with other parents before uploading to social media. If a parent uploads any images or video they or other parents have taken, The Band Project cannot be held responsible.
All students must be collected from the studio by a parent/responsible adult. If you are happy for your child to leave the venue by themselves The Band Project must receive written confirmation to that effect. We are not responsible and in no way liable once the child has left the venue.
If a parent, or another responsible adult e.g. a nanny, is picking up multiple students then the tutor must be made aware of this at the start of the session or we must be contacted in advance of the session so we can make tutors aware. The liability of The Band Project and that of its staff is restricted to class time only and then only to gross negligence.
Students must dress appropriately for sessions and performances – revealing outfits, clothing with offensive slogans/language etc. won’t be accepted.
Students may not use their mobile phones/tablets during sessions, only during breaks. If after warning, students continue to get their phones/tablets out they will be confiscated till the end of the session by the tutor.
The Band Project has identified that a noise hazard may be present during both the sessions and end of term gigs. We have assessed these risks and taken adequate steps to reduce or remove these risks. On an ongoing basis, we will monitor the noise level during sessions and our tutors will ensure that these are always within safe levels during a session. In order to reduce the risk further all children MUST wear ear plugs during sessions and the end of term performance. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide ear plugs not The Band Project’s.
It is expected that students practice between sessions and listen to the songs in their set once they have been agreed. Parents will be sent all charts for their child’s band the Friday of the third week of term. Each member of the band has a responsibility to the group to have their parts learnt and if there is anything they are struggling with to bring it to the tutor’s attention.
Your child’s tutors are your first point of contact for all queries that are music related and we would suggest speaking directly to them at the start or end of a session.
For any other issues or queries please contact us directly by email at info@thebandproject.co.uk or telephone 03300 882105. The Band Project office is open Tuesday to Friday and a voicemail system is operational. We will reply within 48 hours of receipt of an e-mail. If urgent please use Whatsapp and contact us on 07771456955.